Today La Lyre d’Apollon is available on digital platforms!
Today La Lyre d’Apollon is available on digital platforms!
L’Echo du Danube – Opus 9, Johann Schenck – Challenge Records
Four star review in Dutch national newspaper de Volkskrant written by Merlijn Kerkhof .A quote:„Schenk’s beautiful collection of gamba music, published in […]
The beautiful story of a mysterious princess, teaching the selfish king a lesson in humility: «La princesse mystérieuse» | Les nouvelles aventures des explorateurs / «Die geheimnisvolle Prinzessin» | Neue Abenteuer der Weltentdecker. A concert without words for children from 5 to 9.
Suite 1ère pour Dessus de Viole avec la Basse continue: IX. Passacaille
Performed by Sofia Diniz (Treble Viol) and Torben Klaes (Harpsichord)