As a big fan of radio myself, it is with enormous pleasure and pride that I was made aware that not only one but two of L’Echo du Danube’s tracks were broadcast on radio France! I’m super happy
As a big fan of radio myself, it is with enormous pleasure and pride that I was made aware that not only one but two of L’Echo du Danube’s tracks were broadcast on radio France! I’m super happy
I am so thankful that Vasco Negreiros dedicated his new piece for solo viola da gamba Dança Imaginária to me! This piece […]
Sofia Diniz presents her new CD La Lyre d’Apollon with a concert with French Suites by Jacques Morel at Festival Terras sem […]
La Lyre d’Apollon – Conditura Records
Josep Maria Martí Duran – Theorbe
Fernando Miguel Jalôto – Cembalo
The beautiful story of a mysterious princess, teaching the selfish king a lesson in humility: «La princesse mystérieuse» | Les nouvelles aventures des explorateurs / «Die geheimnisvolle Prinzessin» | Neue Abenteuer der Weltentdecker. A concert without words for children from 5 to 9.